Megyn Kelly discussed the Republican debate on FOX Business this week with two guests and they all seem to agree that it was terrible.
This message has to be repeated because the GOP needs to learn that conservative voters are sick and tired of this happening every four years.
Megyn saved most of her criticism for the Univision host who sounded like she worked for MSNBC.
Here’s what Megyn said, via Real Clear Politics:
MEGYN KELLY: It was terrible. Between the lackluster performance from some of the candidates and the cringe attempts and laugh lines, it seems yet again, the only real winner was Trump…My God what a hot mess. I have to say I didn’t enjoy it. I said yesterday, this is a good thing because it’s Republicans getting their ideas out there. That’s probably better for the GOP, reinforce the positions that they hold when it comes to border, when it comes to the economy. That can work to their benefit as we go into the general.
No, I take it all back. They were sniping, they were small ball, they were petty. The moderators were a disaster. I don’t think it was a good night for the Republican Party. It could have been, it just wasn’t. And I think overall it was a fail. So I will give the whole event – I won’t give it an F, but I’m gonna give it a D.
What on earth was Fox thinking partnering with Univision? That woman Ilia Calderon is a leftist who’s been partnering with Jorge Ramos, who more than anyone is responsible for the abandoned objectivity approach to Donald Trump and to journalism. They have almost singularly undermined the profession of journalism, more than any other that I can think of off the top of my head and it was intentional. She’s his co-anchor. This is a leftist news organization that’s basically propaganda. They’ve been in partnership with the Clintons. It was like having Hillary Clinton out there – this woman’s questions.
And while I’ve anchored five presidential debates in the GOP primary field, and you can go out there and it’s perfectly fine to say, ‘Hey, here’s an issue that is going to be a problem for you if you’re the nominee when you get to the general,’ you can do that…The issue selection and the way in and out of the questions showed her bias time and time and time again, and at times, she wasn’t the only one on the stage committing that sin for a GOP primary.
Watch the video below:
If the GOP doesn’t figure this out, Republican voters are just going to stop watching debates. If they all sound like CNN and MSNBC, what’s the point?
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